Saturday, 16 February 2013

The Zimbabwe sewer system under threat

The Zimbabwe sewer system under threat
By Mbizo Chirasha- Coordinator  Female Poets for the environment
17th of February 2013
Since independence in 1980 our infrastructure in Zimbabwe has not been repaired. Mostly in high density suburbs of Mbare, Highfeilds, Mabvuku and Epworth where population growth is rife. Typhoid and Cholera outbreaks are rampant threatening people’s lives. Municipal authorities have failed the general populace. Water sources near by have been the receiving end of sewer effluent   causing   a vicious circle of domestic and environment threat. Children are seen swimming in dams of stagnant sewer sources caused by bursting toilets and old pipes. Old township suburbs have an eye sore during this previous rainy season. The other damaging factor is that the City authorities are not pumping enough water for sanitation purposes due shortage of water treatment chemicals that have since hit the country since ten years ago. The same little untreated water is a health hazard due to uncleanness. These factors have resulted into Environmental and water pollution in this country. Female poets for the environment is organizing   a poetry writing contest and performances campaign on Clean water and safe environment in the high-density suburbs schools in March 2013.This hands on Campaign will send a clear message to the authorities and the communities to take care of their environment and also promote the use of safe water, as well as maintaining our old   infrastructure that include dams , water pipes and sewer pipes. Underneath are  newspaper and media punch lines on how  old sewer pipes threaten human and environmental  lifestyles.

[burst Sewer Pipes in Mufakose high density pipe]
Pungent smell has engulfed this area for years now. No amount of air fresheners can overpower this smell. Although I keep all windows closed, I cannot keep the smell outside.

Burst pipes have been a perennial problem in the suburb. There is always an unpleasant smell emanating from a stream near Westgate-
Sand and an assortment of discarded bits and pieces, such as cooking pots and spoons, were also found among objects that frequently block the system.
A background statement on the importance of water from  INNOWATER SYMPOSIUM 2012

Presenting a turnaround plan for the city on Wednesday, Chideya said officials were retrieving at least 20 bodies and foetuses weekly from both the sewerage network and treatment plants-
The system is evidently old and bruised as the bulk of the sewer pipes in most old suburbs like Mbare and High fields were installed way before the country’s independence in 1980.

The problem of burst sewer pipes has been exacerbated by the ever-growing urban population and persistent water cuts.-
A background statement on the importance of water from  INNOWATER SYMPOSIUM 2012
- Water is one of the most important resources on earth. However, this resource is under large pressure at the moment. In 2025 approximately 67% of the world population will live in areas with 'water stress'. Water stress occurs when the demand for water exceeds the available amount during a certain period or when poor quality restricts its use. Water stress causes deterioration of fresh water resources in terms of quantity and quality (GreenFacts, 2012). This water stress is caused by different factors, the combination of growing world population and climate change as important ones.

Compiled by Mbizo Chirasha